How Do You Grow Through Adversity?

Oneway or another we have all faced adversity and hardships in our life. We mustremember that adversity shapes us and is the reason we are who we are today.
Read time:
2 min
August 29, 2022

Callback to a time where you were going through a rough time in your business orpersonal life. Lessons dictate our actions into the future. How do you learnfrom these experiences?

Oneway or another we have all faced adversity and hardships in our life. We mustremember that adversity shapes us and is the reason we are who we are today.

Wehold the power to take on hard times and try our hardest to get through it.People change emotionally, mentally and even physically too. Life tends tothrow you curveballs when you least expect it and it is important that you knowhow you deal with hard times.

Here’sour take from one of our favorite analogies: and helps you learn how you dealwith adversity:

Acarrot, an egg, and a cup of coffee are all added to a boiling pot of water,what happens to these three things?

Thecarrot goes from hard to soft

Theegg goes from soft to hard

Thecoffee beans change the water

Allthree of these food items enter boiling water in one state but after some timetheir contents drastically change. In the same way the water transforms thesethree objects, adversity calls for a similar transformation in each of us.

“Whenadversity knocks on your door, how do you respond? Are you a carrot, an egg ora coffee bean?”

Youmay have been each of these at one point, or even felt like all threesimultaneously.

Eitherway, all three states of being serve a different purpose for different reasons.Making them all equally important and valuable because the biggest take away iswho you became because of adversity.

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